The cover page of the book is very attractive and colorful ‘Don’t lose your mind LOSE YOUR WEIGHT’. (I love the apple on it)

The hottest topic of discussion for every girl was Kareena’s size zero figure. And trust me somewhere every girl wants a perfect figure and not actually size zero.
The author Rujuta Diwekar just comes with that point. She has laid 4 simple principles to stay health and fit (and that’s what we need). She simply starts with explaining that Diet is not starvation. Diet is not punishing your body. Everything we eat is right and the only thing is that we need to eat at the right time.
Simple thing, we should love our body and specially our stomach. We should know its threshold limits. Sitting posture while eating, chewing slowly, eating with all senses, these are basic things which we never care to even give a consideration. We just need to think about nutrients in the food and not about the calories.
She gives us all the details about carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and most importantly WATER. A brief on what to eat and how to eat it.
The four principles would really change your life and improve your eating habits. Eating first thing in the morning, eating every 2 hours, eating more when you are more active and less when less active and eating your dinner early.
She does clarifies are myths and give good recommendations with some real life examples (and somewhere we do relate to it). She recommends eating local food like ‘Eat local and think global’. After all Punjabi’s are meant to eat paranthas and south Indians are suppose to eat the idlis and dosas.
And yes, her main focus is EXERCISE. Exercise is non-negotiable. Unless we exercise, no eating habit is gonna help us.
This book is not only for the ones who want to lose their weights but for all of us who want to stay fit.
So, guys and girls, I suggest read this book at least once and you really start appreciating your body.
Ok, to be honest, I have started following these principles from last one week, I will not say there is a change, but I really feel good about it. There is no guilt feeling for anything I eat, I just make sure I am eating it at the right time. If the time is not right, I prefer skipping it J.